Service Category: Engineer

LiDAR Scanning - Drone & Terrestrial

LiDAR (Light, Detection, and Ranging) is a survey data capturing technology in which a laser is reflected off an object and the response time to the return sensor allows the distance to be calculated. A detailed 3D point cloud of the surroundings can be formed when thousands of laser pulses occur per second.

SurveyingIndia has created a detailed analysis of the differences between drone aerial LiDAR surveys and photogrammetric surveys. Data capture with a drone-based LiDAR is more expensive than photogrammetry, owing to the costs of the sensors and drones required to transport them.

There are several sensors on the market at various price ranges, which can have a significant impact on the accuracy of the final data. Where there is dense vegetation, LiDAR comes into its own since the laser pulse may reach the ground more easily than a photogrammetry-derived survey model.

See our list of industries we serve for additional information on asset inspection in your specific area of interest, or contact us to discuss your needs.

360 VR & Panorama for Real Estate and Street View

With panoramic stitching talents, our 360 Degree Panorama Photo Stitching professionals merge a series of images to create an outstanding vision. Our graphic designers use modern 360 panoramic software to create aesthetic attributes that exceed the customer’s expectations.

We also specialise in providing the highest image resolution HDR while retaining colour adjustments, stitching vertical or horizontal panoramas, balancing the white, and removing ghosts or hazes.